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SGM No. 00-03

DEC 8, 2000

TO: All Employees

FROM: Director

SUBJECT: Discontinuing Reimbursements for Business Card Purchases

The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you that the Indian Health Service (IHS) will not reimburse employees for the purchase of business cards.

Business cards are considered a personal expense and therefore are not payable from appropriated funds without specific statutory authority, and IHS does not have this authority.  This rule has been long-standing and has been applied in a number of Decisions of the Comptroller General.  This rule has been applied consistently even when the cards were clearly being used for official purposes.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

/Michael H. Trujillo, M.D./
Michael H. Trujillo, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Assistant Surgeon General