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Transmittal Notice 92-04

TN 92-04


This transmittal forwards a change to the Indian Health Manual, Part 1, Chapter 5, Delegations of Authority, Exhibit 1-5.2A-9, "Use of Department Facilities for Non-Official Purposes."  This delegation has been changed from manual system (Exhibit) format to memorandum format.

/Michel E. Lincoln for/
Everett R. Rhoades, M.D.
Assistant Surgeon General
Director, Indian Health Service


Indian Health Manual, Part 1, Chapter 5 - Delegations of Authority:  Administrative Delegation #30, Delegation of Authority for Approving the Temporary Use of Department of Health and Human Service Facilities for Non-Official Purposes."


This memorandum supersedes the delegation located in Indian Health Manual Part 1, Chapter 5 - Delegations of Authority, Exhibit 1-5.2A-9, pages 1 and 2 "Use of Department Facilities for Non-Commercial Purposes," TN 89.3, dated June 6, 1989.


Please remove the Exhibit 1-5.2A-9, pages 1 and 2, from the Indian Health Manual, Part 1, Chapter 5, and from your Master Copy Delegations of Authority.  Replace with copies of the attached memorandums.

Log an file the Transmittal Notice.

Distribution:  PSD 557 (Indian Health Service Mailing Key)
Date:  April 9, 1992