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Transmittal Notice 16-01

TN 16-01


The purpose of this Transmittal Notice (TN) is to transmit a copy of the Part 5, Chapter 15, "Records Management," Indian Health Manual (IHM).  The purpose of this revised and updated chapter is to publish the policy, practices, procedures, and staff responsibilities pertinent to creating, maintaining, and providing access to Indian Health Service (IHS) textual and electronic records.  It is the policy of the IHS to create, receive, and maintain official records that provide adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the Agency.

/Robert G. McSwain/
Robert G. McSwain
Principal Deputy Director
Indian Health Service


Part 5, Chapter 15, "Records Management," IHM


Indian Health Manual 5-15, TN 97-04, dated July 8, 1997


Insert the attached copy of Part 5, Chapter 15, "Records Management," IHM, including the chapter Table of Contents, in its place after Part 5, Chapter 14, IHM.  Log and file this TN in sequential order.

Distribution:  IHS-wide
Date:  January 15, 2016