Data Dictionary
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id | Physical Name | Logical Name | Description | Category |
Category: N/A | Description: End date of the date range used for selection of workload encounters that are eligible to activate registrations | |||
1 | ACTIVE_END_DT | Active End Date | End date of the date range used for selection of workload encounters that are eligible to activate registrations | N/A |
1 | ACTIVE_FG | Active Flag | The flag indicates whether a registration was active for a specified user population reporting time period. A registration is flagged as active if there was a workload-reportable encounter during the specified time period. | N/A |
1 | ACTIVE_START_DT | Active Start Date | Start date of the date range used for selection of workload encounters that are eligible to activate registrations | N/A |
1 | ADA_NM | ADA Code Name | Descriptive name of the ADA Code | N/A |
1 | ADMISS_TP_NM | Admission Type Name | Descriptive name of the Admission Type Code | N/A |
1 | AFFL_CD | Affiliation Code | Affiliation associated with a provider (e.g. state, tribal) | N/A |
1 | AFFL_NM | Affiliation Name | Descriptive name of the Affiliation Code. | N/A |
1 | AGE | Age | Age of patient | N/A |
1 | ALLOW_AMT | Allowed Amount | Used by the FI. Of the amount billed on the claim, the amount allowed to be considered for payment. Allowed amount generally determined by a contract with the provider. | N/A |
1 | ALT_REG_CODE | Alternate Registration Code | Field used to store the original value of the unique registration code when it has a length >15 in an RPMS, non-HL7 file. | N/A |
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