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Data Dictionary

By Category  |  Table List

There are 112 matches.
Table Name Description
ADA ADA Code Lookup Table (Industry SCS)
ADA_PROC The ADA Procedures table contains ADA procedure-specific information (e.g., ADA code, units, fee) for a particular encounter.
ADMISSION Admission Codes (SCB)
AFFILIATION Provider Affiliation Code Lookup Table (OIT SCS)
ALIAS The Alias table contains any aliases by which an individual may be known
APC_RECODE_CLASS_XREF APC Code to APC Recode Cross-Reference Table
AREA Area Codes (SCB)
BENEF_CLASS Classification Codes (SCB)
BLOOD_QUANTUM Blood Quantum Codes (SCB)
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There are 28 matches.

Table Name Description
ADA_PROC The ADA Procedures table contains ADA procedure-specific information (e.g., ADA code, units, fee) for a particular encounter.
CLIN_MEAS The Clinical Measure table contains clinical measure-specific information (e.g., clinical measure code, result) for a particular encounter.
DX_ICD9 The Diagnosis ICD9 table contains the diagnosis code(s) for the encounter.
DX_INJ The Diagnosis Injury table contains codes related to the cause of the diagnosis and place of injury.
DX_OTH The Diagnosis Other table contains additional old format injury codes and diagnosis recodes that may be transmitted with the encounter.
ENCTRSS The Encounters table, the primary table of the ENCTR schema, contains the basic information that most or all encounters provide and the key, ENCTRSS_ID.
ENCTRSS_CONTRACT The Encounters-Contract table contains detailed health contract-related information for a particular encounter.
ENCTRSS_DENTAL The Encounters-Dental table contains detailed dental-related information for a particular encounter
ENCTRSS_INPAT The Encounters-Inpatient table contains detailed inpatient-related information for a particular encounter.
ENCTRSS_MISC The Encounters-Miscellaneous table contains miscellaneous information (e.g., last menstrual period, urine protein test, number of lab tests done) for a particular encounter.
ENCTRSS_PHN The Encounters-Public Health Nurse table contains detailed PHN-related information for a particular encounter.
ENCTRSS_SSN The Encounters-SSN table contains Social Security Number data for a particular encounter. (Limited security access)
EXAM The Exam table contains exam-specific information (e.g., IHS exam code) for a particular encounter.
HCPCS_PROC The HCPCS Procedure table contains HCPCS/CPT-specific information (e.g., HCPCS/CPT code, CPT quantity) for a particular encounter. May also contain Revenue Code data in the HCPCS columns, due to sending site procedures and export file format limitations.
HEALTH_FACTOR The Health Factor table contains health factor-specific information (e.g., health factor name, code, category code) for a particular encounter.
IMMUN The Immunization table contains immunization-specific information (e.g., IHS immunization code, HL7 immunization, formulation codes) for a particular encounter.
INDIAN_STATUS Indian Status Flag Table, contains values indicating whether a registration is to be considered Indian for reporting
LAB_TEST The Lab Test table contains lab test-specific information (e.g., lab test name, result, LOINC code) for a particular encounter.
MEDICATION The Medication table contains medication-specific information (e.g., medication name, quantity, NDC code) for a particular encounter.
PAT_EDUCATION The Patient Education table contains patient education-specific information (e.g., education code, length of time) for a particular encounter.
PAT_SKIN_TEST The Patient Skin Test table contains skin test-specific information (e.g., skin test code, result code) for a particular encounter.
PROCEDURE_ICD9 The Procedure ICD9 table contains the procedure ICD9 code and date for the procedures related to a particular encounter.
PROCEDURE_OTH The Procedure Other table contains additional procedure-specific information (e.g., HCPCS code, provider affiliation, discipline codes) for a particular encounter.
PROVIDER_CODE The Provider Code table contains the provider identifer code information (e.g., provider affiliation, discipline codes) for a particular encounter.
PROVIDER_OTH The Provider Other table contains additional provider-specific information (e.g. X12 codes and EIN) for a particular encounter.
REVENUE The Revenue Codes table contains a subset of the HCPCS code set that indicates hospital charges. Revenue Code data may also be found in the HCPCS_PROC table.
TEETH The Teeth table contains teeth-specific information (e.g., tooth surface, operative site codes) for a particular encounter.
WL_DUP Workload Duplicate Table. Contains encounter ids and flags indicating whether a received record is a duplicate according to business rules established by DPS for counting workload.

There are 8 matches.

Table Name Description
ALIAS The Alias table contains any aliases by which an individual may be known
CHART The Chart table contains chart records - one for each facility at which a particular individual may be registered
DEMOGR The Demographic table contains the demographic information (name, address, SSN, community of residence) about an individual.
INSUR_ELIG The Insurance Eligibility table contains information about insurance eligibility for an individual.
PAT_REG The Patient Registration table, the primary table of the REG schema, contains basic registration information about an individual and the key, REG_ID.
PAT_REG_SSN The Patient Registration-SSN table contains Social Security Number data for a particular registration. (Limited security access)
USERPOP The User Population table contains registrant data used for the User Population reports.
USERPOP_LOG The User Population Log table contains version numbers and applicable dates for the User Population data extracts.