Data Dictionary
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Table Name | Description |
ADA | ADA Code Lookup Table (Industry SCS) |
ADA_PROC | The ADA Procedures table contains ADA procedure-specific information (e.g., ADA code, units, fee) for a particular encounter. |
ADMISSION | Admission Codes (SCB) |
AFFILIATION | Provider Affiliation Code Lookup Table (OIT SCS) |
ALIAS | The Alias table contains any aliases by which an individual may be known |
APC_RECODE | APC Recodes (SCB) |
APC_RECODE_CLASS_XREF | APC Code to APC Recode Cross-Reference Table |
AREA | Area Codes (SCB) |
BENEF_CLASS | Classification Codes (SCB) |
BLOOD_QUANTUM | Blood Quantum Codes (SCB) |
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Table Name | Description |
ADA_PROC | The ADA Procedures table contains ADA procedure-specific information (e.g., ADA code, units, fee) for a particular encounter. |
CLIN_MEAS | The Clinical Measure table contains clinical measure-specific information (e.g., clinical measure code, result) for a particular encounter. |
DX_ICD9 | The Diagnosis ICD9 table contains the diagnosis code(s) for the encounter. |
DX_INJ | The Diagnosis Injury table contains codes related to the cause of the diagnosis and place of injury. |
DX_OTH | The Diagnosis Other table contains additional old format injury codes and diagnosis recodes that may be transmitted with the encounter. |
ENCTRSS | The Encounters table, the primary table of the ENCTR schema, contains the basic information that most or all encounters provide and the key, ENCTRSS_ID. |
ENCTRSS_CONTRACT | The Encounters-Contract table contains detailed health contract-related information for a particular encounter. |
ENCTRSS_DENTAL | The Encounters-Dental table contains detailed dental-related information for a particular encounter |
ENCTRSS_INPAT | The Encounters-Inpatient table contains detailed inpatient-related information for a particular encounter. |
ENCTRSS_MISC | The Encounters-Miscellaneous table contains miscellaneous information (e.g., last menstrual period, urine protein test, number of lab tests done) for a particular encounter. |
ENCTRSS_PHN | The Encounters-Public Health Nurse table contains detailed PHN-related information for a particular encounter. |
ENCTRSS_SSN | The Encounters-SSN table contains Social Security Number data for a particular encounter. (Limited security access) |
EXAM | The Exam table contains exam-specific information (e.g., IHS exam code) for a particular encounter. |
HCPCS_PROC | The HCPCS Procedure table contains HCPCS/CPT-specific information (e.g., HCPCS/CPT code, CPT quantity) for a particular encounter. May also contain Revenue Code data in the HCPCS columns, due to sending site procedures and export file format limitations. |
HEALTH_FACTOR | The Health Factor table contains health factor-specific information (e.g., health factor name, code, category code) for a particular encounter. |
IMMUN | The Immunization table contains immunization-specific information (e.g., IHS immunization code, HL7 immunization, formulation codes) for a particular encounter. |
INDIAN_STATUS | Indian Status Flag Table, contains values indicating whether a registration is to be considered Indian for reporting |
LAB_TEST | The Lab Test table contains lab test-specific information (e.g., lab test name, result, LOINC code) for a particular encounter. |
MEDICATION | The Medication table contains medication-specific information (e.g., medication name, quantity, NDC code) for a particular encounter. |
PAT_EDUCATION | The Patient Education table contains patient education-specific information (e.g., education code, length of time) for a particular encounter. |
PAT_SKIN_TEST | The Patient Skin Test table contains skin test-specific information (e.g., skin test code, result code) for a particular encounter. |
PROCEDURE_ICD9 | The Procedure ICD9 table contains the procedure ICD9 code and date for the procedures related to a particular encounter. |
PROCEDURE_OTH | The Procedure Other table contains additional procedure-specific information (e.g., HCPCS code, provider affiliation, discipline codes) for a particular encounter. |
PROVIDER_CODE | The Provider Code table contains the provider identifer code information (e.g., provider affiliation, discipline codes) for a particular encounter. |
PROVIDER_OTH | The Provider Other table contains additional provider-specific information (e.g. X12 codes and EIN) for a particular encounter. |
REVENUE | The Revenue Codes table contains a subset of the HCPCS code set that indicates hospital charges. Revenue Code data may also be found in the HCPCS_PROC table. |
TEETH | The Teeth table contains teeth-specific information (e.g., tooth surface, operative site codes) for a particular encounter. |
WL_DUP | Workload Duplicate Table. Contains encounter ids and flags indicating whether a received record is a duplicate according to business rules established by DPS for counting workload. |
There are 8 matches.
Table Name | Description |
ALIAS | The Alias table contains any aliases by which an individual may be known |
CHART | The Chart table contains chart records - one for each facility at which a particular individual may be registered |
DEMOGR | The Demographic table contains the demographic information (name, address, SSN, community of residence) about an individual. |
INSUR_ELIG | The Insurance Eligibility table contains information about insurance eligibility for an individual. |
PAT_REG | The Patient Registration table, the primary table of the REG schema, contains basic registration information about an individual and the key, REG_ID. |
PAT_REG_SSN | The Patient Registration-SSN table contains Social Security Number data for a particular registration. (Limited security access) |
USERPOP | The User Population table contains registrant data used for the User Population reports. |
USERPOP_LOG | The User Population Log table contains version numbers and applicable dates for the User Population data extracts. |