Data Dictionary
Selected table: ADMISSION
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id | Physical Name | Logical Name | Description | Category |
1 | ADMISS_TP_CD | Admission Type | Code indicating by what process a patient was admitted. Applies to inpatient only. | 5.0000 |
1 | ADMISS_TP_NM | Admission Type Name | Descriptive name of the Admission Type Code | N/A |
1 | DESCRIPTION | Description | Documatron. Describes the column in plain english. If more than one paragraph is needed to describe a column, a white paper should be written. | N/A |
1 | ROW_CREATE_TS | Row Creation Date and Time stamp | Date/Time that this row was created in the data warehouse. | 100.0000 |
1 | ROW_CREATOR | Row Creator | Process that created the row in the data warehouse. May also include a data change code specifying the process that updated the row for an authorized data change. | 100.0000 |