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Data Dictionary

There are 9 matches.
id Physical Name Logical Name Description Category
1 ENCTRSS_ID NDW Encounter Record Identifier This identifier is generated internally by the NDW and is used to uniquely identify an encounter record. 100.0000
1 EXPORT_ID Export ID Each export file that is received by the DW will be assigned a unique export ID number. This will allow us to track each record back to the "raw data file" if necessary. It also allows us to track certain information specific to each export such as number of records, date received, etc. 100.0000
1 HL7_IMMUN_CD HL7 Immunization Code No longer used, replaced by HL7 CVX code as of 5/1/2012. Proprietary subset of HL7 used by IHS beginning with version 7.0 of the RPMS Immunization Package. This was replaced in version 8.0 with the complete HL7 CVX code list. 15.0000
1 HL7_IMMUN_CVX_CD Immunization Formulation Code HL7's CVX code for the vaccine formulation. Nationally recognized standard code set. 15.0000
1 HL7_IMMUN_MVX_CD Immunization Manufacturer Code HL7's MVX code for the vaccine's manufacturer. Nationally recognized standard code set. 15.0000
1 IHS_IMMUN_CD IHS Immunization Code No longer used, replaced by HL7 CVX code as of 5/1/2012. Proprietary code for immunizations used by IHS prior to version 7.0 of the RPMS Immunization Package. 15.0000
1 IMM_DOSE_NBR_CD Immunization Dose Number Code The dose in an immunization series that was provided on this encounter. (Some immunizations require multiple doses over a period of time. Not necessarily a number.) 15.0000
1 REGION_ABBR_CD Region Abbreviation Code Alpha (3-char) designator indicating the IHS region (e.g. ALB for Albuquerque). N/A
1 SEQ_NBR Sequence Number For the first occurrence, the sequence number is 1; for the second occurrence, the sequence number is 2, and so on. 100.0000