Data Dictionary
Selected table: ALIAS
id | Physical Name | Logical Name | Description | Category |
1 | DATE_LAST_MOD_TS | Date of Last Update | Date this record was last modified by the local registration/encounter system. Date format is CCYYMMDD. | 2.0000 |
1 | EXPORT_ID | Export ID | Each export file that is received by the DW will be assigned a unique export ID number. This will allow us to track each record back to the "raw data file" if necessary. It also allows us to track certain information specific to each export such as number of records, date received, etc. | 100.0000 |
1 | FIRST_NM | First Name | First name of the patient; could also be an alias. | 3.0000 |
1 | LAST_NM | Last Name | Last name of the patient; could also be an alias. | 3.0000 |
1 | MID_NM | Middle Name | Middle name of the patient; could also be an alias. | 3.0000 |
1 | NM_SUFX | Name Suffix | Name suffix, such as Sr., Jr., III, etc. | 3.0000 |
1 | NM_TITLE | Title | Title of the patient, such as Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss, etc. | 3.0000 |
1 | REC_CD | Record Code | A code of up to four characters that identifies the record format that defines that particular record. This field is populated by the integration engine. This column may not be populated for non-HL7 formats. | 100.0000 |
1 | REG_ID | NDW Registration Record Identifier | This identifier is generated internally by the NDW and is used to uniquely identify a registration record. | N/A |
1 | REGION_ABBR_CD | Region Abbreviation Code | Alpha (3-char) designator indicating the IHS region (e.g. ALB for Albuquerque). | N/A |
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