Data Dictionary
Selected table: DEMOGR
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id | Physical Name | Logical Name | Description | Category |
1 | BENEF_CLASS_CD | Beneficiary Classification Code | Classification of the type of patient, indicating a category under which an individual can become eligible for IHS benefits. | 3.0000 |
1 | BLOOD_QUANTUM_CD | Blood Quantum Code | Code to designate whether or not the patient is an American Indian/Alaska Native and, if so, to what degree. | 3.0000 |
1 | CITY_NM | City | City or town portion of this patient's mailing address. | 3.0000 |
1 | COMM_RES_CD | Community of Residence Code | Code for the State/County/Community of Residence of the patient. | 3.0000 |
1 | COMM_RES_START_DC | Date Moved To Community (character format) | Date when the patient first moved to this community of residence. Expected format is CCYYMMDD. | 3.0000 |
1 | COMM_RES_START_DT | Date Moved To Community (date format) | This is the date when the patient first moved to this community of residence. Date field. | 3.0000 |
1 | DATE_LAST_MOD_TS | Date of Last Update | Date this record was last modified by the local registration/encounter system. Date format is CCYYMMDD. | 2.0000 |
1 | EXPORT_ID | Export ID | Each export file that is received by the DW will be assigned a unique export ID number. This will allow us to track each record back to the "raw data file" if necessary. It also allows us to track certain information specific to each export such as number of records, date received, etc. | 100.0000 |
1 | FIRST_NM | First Name | First name of the patient; could also be an alias. | 3.0000 |
1 | FULL_NM | Full Name | Patient's name prior to parsing into first, middle, last, etc. The format is specific to the local system. | 3.0000 |
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