Data Dictionary
Selected table: ADA
id | Physical Name | Logical Name | Description | Category |
1 | ADA_CD | ADA Code | American Dental Association code that designates the type of dental service provided during this encounter. Nationally recognized standard code set. | 19.0000 |
1 | ADA_NM | ADA Code Name | Descriptive name of the ADA Code | N/A |
1 | CDT_CODE | CDT Code | The American Dental Association's Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT) is used to record and report dental procedures. It is the dental equivalent of Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes for other-than-dental procedures. | N/A |
1 | ICD9_DX_CD | Diagnosis Code | ICD-9 diagnosis code. Preferred format is to include the dot. Nationally recognized standard code set. | 13.0000 |
1 | INACTIVE | Inactive | Date this ADA code became inactive. | N/A |
1 | LEVEL | Level | The Level is a pre-determined value assigned to an ADA code. | N/A |
1 | MINUTES | Minutes | The Minutes represent a pre-determined number of minutes it takes to perform a dental procedure. | N/A |
1 | NEW_LEVEL | New Level | The New Level is a pre-determined value assigned to an ADA code. | N/A |
1 | ROW_CREATE_TS | Row Creation Date and Time stamp | Date/Time that this row was created in the data warehouse. | 100.0000 |
1 | ROW_CREATOR | Row Creator | Process that created the row in the data warehouse. May also include a data change code specifying the process that updated the row for an authorized data change. | 100.0000 |
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