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DE0596: IHS Monthly EDR Series: ADA CDT 2022 code update and IHS coding guidance for 2022 [Recorded Webinar]

Course description:
Dr. Joel Knutson presents the 2022 CDT code updates including eight new codes specifically for COVID-19 vaccinations; 16 other new codes; 10 existing codes with changes; and 5 deleted codes. Also reviewed are the still active IHS Tracking codes and recommendations for appropriate use of multiple common CDT codes.
Presenter: Dr. Joel Knutson
Dr. Joel Knutson is the IHS Division of Oral Health Dental Informatics EDR program Project Officer responsible for oversight of the IHS Dentrix Enterprise EDR system. Dr. Knutson joined the IHS in 2014 following a 26-year active duty career in the US Army and Air Force with 9 years' experience in dental benefits administration and leadership role assignments to the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency [DHA], TRICARE and the US Navy Military Medical Support Office. As the IHS EDR Program manager, Dr. Knutson is responsible for administration and future development of the Dentrix EDR program supporting 266 IHS Federal, Tribal and Urban dental clinics throughout the United States. Dr. Knutson completed a two-year Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency in 1991 and is board certified by both the American Board of General Dentistry and Certifying Board of General Dentistry.
1. Review the new ADA CDT codes for 2022:
a. Eight new codes released in April 2021 for COVID-19 vaccinations
b. 16 new CDT codes; 10 existing codes with changes
c. Five deleted codes
2. Trends in coding:
a. More maxillary and mandibular specific coding.
b. Preparing for teledentistry coding
3. Use of IHS tracking codes for data reporting / GPRA
a. Overlap of OHS created codes and CDT codes
b. Do NOT create new local codes that will interfere with possible future CDT codes
c. Understand how ‘Visits’ are created in RPMS
i. Any code ‘completed’ in Dentrix can create a ‘Visit’ in RPMS
ii. Block codes from HL7 interface in Procedure Code set up
4. Understand how to code for dental exams [D0120, D0140, D0150, D0180] to avoid misrepresentation of codes on claim forms:
a. ADA guidance: code for what was provided, do not ‘code’ for data reporting or reimbursement
b. Exam codes have specific requirements for Clinical Note documentation
5. ICD-10 coding update:
a. Do NOT use Z51.5: palliative care
i. Dental interpretation is: minor [limited] care to relieve pain
ii. Medical interpretation is: patient is in [terminal] hospice treatment
1. RPMS auto populates Z51.5 in EHR patient status of health
2. This can remove a patient from notification of recommended other medical care.
6. Dentrix Clinical Note populates in RPMS EHR:
a. Allows medical personnel access for record review of Clinical Note
i. EHR reviewers may not have access to dental radiographs
ii. General practice and HIM medical personnel do not routinely ‘read’ radiographs
Following the presentation, the attendee will be able to:
1. Identify the eight new CDT codes for COVID-19 vaccinations.
2. Understand which IHS Tracking codes to use for GPRA data.
3. Define the medical interpretation of ICD-10 code Z51.5: palliative care.
Joel Knutson — Dental Informatics and Project Manager for the IHS Electronic Dental Record For follow-up questions, please contact the speaker at joel.knutson@ihs.gov.
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