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DE0801: IHS Essential Training on Pain and Addiction On Demand Course - ETPA [Recorded]

This self-directed course meets Medication Access and Training Extension [MATE] Act requirements for all Drug Enforcement Administration [DEA]-registered practitioners. It is designed with 2 online video modules, a post-activity quiz, and a post-activity online evaluation. This course should take approximately 3 hours to complete.
There is no fee for this program.
Safe prescribing of control substances, adequate pain management, and appropriate screening and treatment of opioid use disorder is a high priority for the Indian Health Service. This training will help provide a better understanding of how to create a pain treatment plan and address how culture, spirituality and psychology can affect a patient’s pain experience. The training focuses on understanding pain from a historical standpoint, compares old and new guidelines to outline best practice, comprehensive pain and risk assessment, understand assessing and treating medications and acquire skills needed to address aberrant behavior.
Module 1 IHS Opioid Stewardship Video
Module 2 Essential Training on Pain and Addictions
• Part 1 Historical Trauma in American Indians / Alaska Natives [AI/AN
• Part 2 Pain and Opioid Overdose Epidemiology and Opioid Crisis and Overdose in AI/AN population
• Part 3 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Opioid Therapy
• Part 4 Opioid Safety and Mitigation Strategies
• Part 5 Recommended Treatments for Pain
• Part 6 Opioid Use Disorder [OUD] Treatment
• Part 7 Opioid Dose Reduction and Tapering
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Examine the comprehensive healthcare needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives [AI/AN] for chronic pain and substance use disorder
2. Develop a basic awareness of chronic pain, substance use, addiction and diversion
3. Identify highlights from the 2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids
4. Evaluate the pharmacology and risks of controlled substances and medications for opioid use disorder [MOUD]
5. Promote interprofessional team-based management, evaluation, and treatment of pain and substance use disorders
Geniel Harrison — For follow-up questions, please contact the speaker at Geniel.Harrison@ihs.gov.
It is the policy of the Indian Health Service, Division of Oral Health, that faculty/planners disclose any financial or other relationships with commercial companies whose products may be discussed in the educational activity. The Indian Health Service, Division of Oral Health, also requires that faculty disclose any unlabeled or investigative use of pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Images that have been falsified or manipulated to misrepresent treatment outcomes are prohibited.
None of the faculty/planners for this activity has a conflict of interest, and there is no use of unlabeled or investigative pharmaceutical products or medical devices. No images have been falsified or manipulated to misrepresent treatment outcomes.The educational objectives, content, and selection of educational methods and instructors are conducted independent of any commercial entity.

The IHS Division of Oral Health is an accredited sponsor of continuing education under the American Dental Association Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP). ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the IHS at IHS CDE Coordinator or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at CCEPR.ada.org
2. All Federal prescribers, contractors [that spend 50 percent or more of their clinical time under contract with the Federal Government], clinical residents and trainees are required to successfully complete the IHS Essential Training on Pain and Addictions within six months from the start of IHS employment.
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start date of any course. Request for refunds must be received in writing at least two weeks before the course begins. For each refund request, there will be an administrative charge of $100. No refunds will be made to registrants who fail to attend a course. If IHS CDE program cancels a course, then 100% of the tuition will be refunded.