National IHS Public Health Council

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The Indian Health Service (IHS) National Public Health Council (NPHC) works to bring together a collaborative One Health Approach to the Indian Health Service. The National Indian Health Service Public Health Council prioritizes and builds a foundation of trust to strengthen collaboration, coordination, and communication in preparation for and response to public health challenges in tribal communities.
The IHS NPHC focuses on emerging infectious diseases, pandemic preparedness and response, disease surveillance, health education, environmental interconnection, and disease prevention. It focuses on ways to prevent and slow the spread of diseases by partnering with the community and building public health capacity at the community level.
The purpose of this council is to support improved health outcomes in American Indian and Alaska Native communities by conducting disease surveillance, building an epidemiology workforce, providing community health education, addressing zoonotic diseases, and responding to any emerging disease that may impact them.
The IHS NPHC is comprised of three subcommittees focusing on public and population health.
Subcommittees of National Public Health Council
Epidemiology and Workforce Development
- Establish a public health data system for epidemiology and surveillance efforts.
- Standardize disease surveillance to assess population and community health.
- Strengthen epidemiology workforce.

Environmental and Occupational Health
- Provide information to communities, partners, and staff on the risk factors that might contribute to asthma triggers/symptoms.
- Understand and address the environmental concerns for children and adults with asthma and other preventive diseases on the tribal reservations.
- Secure and provide data on asthma rates across I.H.S. service areas; deliver information to leadership.
Health Promotion and Wellness
- Purpose is to assist public health organizations to help improve the health of individuals in their community.
- Create and share culturally appropriate Public Health Messaging.
- Collaborate with communities to establish Community Health Assessments.