Division of Telehealth
The Division of Telehealth will provide coordination and guidance for the deployment, use, and sustainability of telehealth services across IHS, and support the use and expansion of telehealth within Tribal and Urban programs. Its goals can be broadly classified in two categories:
Clinical Goals:
- Establish a broad, HQ-based clinical telehealth program.
- Increase access to existing care by providing direct patient care to facilities across the country.
- Provide access to new high-demand specialty care.
Administrative Goals:
- Develop and execute an IHS Telehealth Strategic Plan.
- Establish IHS telehealth priorities.
- Evaluate new and emerging telehealth modalities and technologies.
- Evaluate telehealth models and sustainability.
- Develop telehealth policies and procedures.
- Track and coordinate telehealth programs within IHS.
- Develop and standardize telehealth onboarding and startup processes.
- Provide telehealth technical assistance, recommendations, and support to Tribal and Urban programs.
- Facilitate and coordinate agency-wide credentialing for telehealth providers.
- Generate monthly, quarterly, and annual workload reports and analysis on telehealth within IHS.
- Collect and analyze IHS telehealth data.
- Improve telehealth processes and outcomes.
- Contribute to the telehealth literature/knowledge base.