Tribal Law and Order Act

Signed into law in July, 2010, the Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA) amends the Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1986, expanding the number of Federal agencies required to coordinate their efforts on alcohol and substance abuse issues in American Indian/Alaska Native communities.
Tribal Action Planning
There are programs and resources available to help tribes develop a Tribal Action Plan (TAP). The TAP is a strategic public health and safety plan that coordinates resources and programs to help tribes address substance use disorders in their communities. TAPs assist tribal communities in a variety of ways:
- Assesses the scope of the tribe’s alcohol and substance abuse problems
- Identify and align available resources and programs focused on prevention and treatment
- Establish and prioritize unique goals, as well as progress in meeting the goals
- Identify the roles of community stakeholders and family members in addressing the unique community concerns
Tribes may access additional assistance offered by federal partners:
- The Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA) Implementation - The Office of Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse (OIASA) and its federal partners provide tribes with prevention and treatment resources as required by TLOA.
- Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Indian Education and Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs
- Department of Health and Human Service’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
TAP Guidelines
The Tribal Action Plan Guidelines [PDF - 411 KB] were developed by the TAP workgroup and the Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee published the TAP Guidelines in 2011. The guidelines offer four model frameworks that tribes may utilize to customize TAPs to meet their unique community's needs:
- Community Readiness Model handbook
- Strategic Prevention Framework
- Spectrum of Prevention
- Comprehensive Assessment Process for Planning Strategies