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Finding Personnel by Name

Locating a person by their name is the most common means used in any directory. Therefore, this is the method set as the default for the IHS Dental Directory. In fact, the directory lists all personnel in the Division of Oral Health when the user first enters the site. To narrow the scope of the Directory listing and find an individual's name, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Directory tab in main navigation
  2. Select “Name” from the Browse By: pull-down list under the Directory tab if needed
  3. Click the go button to the right of the Browse By: pull-down list
  4. Click inside the Search Last Name: text box beneath the Browse By: pull-down list to show a cursor for entering the name
  5. Enter at least the first few letters of the last name of the person you want to find

    Note: Users can search more broadly by typing only the first few letters instead of the full last name; this can help with finding people whose names you are not certain how to spell. For hyphenated names, type a percent sign (%), followed by the first few letters of the name you know, and a percent sign (%) after. This technique will generate a list of all personnel with the letters typed anywhere in their last name. For example, typing "%low%" will generate a list including names such as “Lowe” and “Lowly,” as well as names like “Koslowski” and “Yellow Hawk.”

  6. Click the go button to the right of the Search Last Name: text box
    image of main navigation highlighted as discussed in steps 1 through 6
  7. The displayed information changes to show all personnel meeting the criteria you have set
    image of directory search by name results

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