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Adding a Position to a Facility

To add a position to a facility, follow these steps:

  1. If you are not on the “Staff” page, click the Staff tab in main navigation
  2. Click the “Add Position” link under the Staff tab to start the “Add Position Wizard”
    image of staff page with navigation highlighted as discussed in steps 1 and 2
  3. If requested, select the “Area” from the pull-down list provided and click the Next button
    image of position wizard page 2 highlighted as discussed in step 3
  4. If requested, select the “Service Unit” from the pull-down list provided and click the Next button
    image of position wizard page 3 highlighted as discussed in step 4
  5. If requested, select the “Facility” from the pull-down list provided and click the Next button
    image of position wizard page 4 highlighted as discussed in step 5
  6. Select the position title from the drop-down list labeled Please select a Title for this position:
  7. Add further descriptive information in the text box labeled Position Description:
  8. Click the Next button to finalize the addition
    image of position wizard page 5 with navigation highlighted as discussed in steps 6, 7, and 8

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