Division of Regulatory and Policy Coordination (DRPC)
Division of Regulatory and Policy Coordination (DRPC) is located in the Office of Management Services at IHS Headquarters. The DRPC has responsibility for legal issues and questions affecting policy, and regulatory matters as they affect implementation, management and administration of IHS programs. The DRPC consists of the of Regulatory Analysis, Records Management, and Policy Analysis. DRPC also has responsibility for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) functions, Privacy Act guidance, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearances.
Please use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Privacy Act and Records Management web sites for more information.
If you are seeking legislative materials, such as the Indian Self-Determination Act or Indian Health Care Improvement Act, please use the Congressional and Legislative Affairs web site for these Acts or other legislative materials.
The Regulations and Records Access Team manages the IHS' regulations program by determining the need for and developing plans for changes in regulations. The Team also manages clearance of Federal Register documents and coordination with the Office of Federal Register.
The Division of Regulatory and Policy Coordination Staff advises the Director of IHS and serves as agency liaison with the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) on such matters as litigation, regulations, and related policy issues, including the following responsibilities:
- Determines the need for and obtains legal clearance of IHS directives and other issuances;
- Coordinates legal issues with the OGC, IHS, HHS components, and other Federal agencies and the implementation of OGC opinions;
- Focal point for requests for legal opinions and maintains a Compendium of Legal Opinions
- Provides advice on Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act appeals and hearings;
- Provides guidance and assistance on State and Federal health reform efforts, including access and civil rights aspects;
- Advises on the administration of the contract health services (CHS) appeals system and is a participant with the Office of Public Health in the Director's CHS appeal decisions.
The Policy Staff coordinates legal issues with the Office of General Counsel (OGC), IHS senior staff, and agencies within DHHS. The Policy Staff researches existing legal opinions and identifies and formulates requests for legal opinions to OGC. The Policy Staff provides liaison with the OGC in matters of litigation, regulations and legislation.
Please use this site to access regulatory and policy materials.
If you have questions about the Freedom of Information Act or the Privacy Act, please use the links at the left to access those program pages. Please see DRPC staff listing for contacts for the 508 Coordinator, Information Collection Clearances.
Our Web site exists to assist us in communicating our ideals and goals. To navigate this site, use the links on the left-hand side of each page.