Community Health Aide Program Tribal Advisory Group (CHAP TAG)
CHAP TAG Leadership
Tribal Chair: Brook Bender, Hualapai Tribe
Federal Co-Chair: Dr. Loretta Christensen, IHS Chief Medical Officer
CHAP TAG Secretary: Wyatt Whitegoat, National CHAP Coordinator
Community Health Aide Program Tribal Advisory Group Roster
A key recommendation from the Tribal consultation was to ensure routine partnership with Tribes on the development and implementation of the program. To ensure this partnership, IHS established the Community Health Aide Program Tribal Advisory Group.
Formal Charge
The workgroup is charged with providing subject matter expertise, program information, innovative solutions, and advice to the Indian Health Service (IHS) to establish a National Community Health Aide Program.
CHAP TAG is composed of 14 members: (1) Primary (1) Alternate for each IHS Area, (1) Tribal Self Governance Advisory Committee Representative, and (1) Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee Representative.
Meeting Frequency
As frequently as determined by the CHAP TAG and IHS.