CHR Training and Education
CHR E-Learning

CHR Training – This online training consists of 18 modules covering three training tracks: Core Skills, Chronic Illness, and Health Living. All tracks provide the foundation a CHR will need based on the CHW Core Consensus (C3) Project guidelines for CHW roles, skills, and qualities. All courses are interactive, accompanied by resources for download, and taken at your own pace. After the self-guided study, CHRs will earn a certificate of completion after 18 post-module assessments and the Final Exam.
Specialty Training – This online training will cover specialty training roles for CHRs at the Indian Health Service. You will learn knowledge and concepts for conducting home visits and integrating health coaching into your role as a CHR.
Advanced Training – This online training will introduce advanced training roles for CHRs at the Indian Health Service. You will learn strategies to lead at the community level, develop organizational and program skills, and learn methods to conduct research and evaluate. Upon completing this training, you will receive a certificate indicating your ability to apply advanced skills as a CHR.
Contact your IHS CHR AOC for more information.
Register for IHS CHR E-Learning. This is an open and active site for registration.
Indian Country ECHO CHR Program Series
The Indian Country Community Health Representative (CHR) ECHO webinar series provides comprehensive information to support Indian Health Service, Tribal, and Urban Indian Community Health Representatives and community-based health workers. Monthly webinar series are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 3pm ET. Sessions provide essential information and knowledge for the community health workforce unique to competencies, care, screening, emergency preparedness, and home visiting.
Indian Community Health Profile Project Toolkit [PDF - 2.2 KB] – a toolkit developed in collaboration between the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board and local tribes
Other Training Opportunities
Native Wellness Institute – fee-based training opportunities and programs to promote the well-being of Native people