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DE0589: IHS Monthly CDE Call: Oral Health Promotion/Disease Prevention: Best Practices for 13-15 Year-Olds [Recorded webinar]

In 2020, led by Dr. Joel Knutson, the Project Officer for the IHS Electronic Dental Record, the IHS Division of Oral Health created a new measure, the IHS Oral Health Status [OHS] Measure. Similar to measures used by the U.S. military to assess combat readiness for soldiers, the IHS OHS Measure is designed to provide individual patient and population-based dental care management in IHS and tribally-managed dental programs taking into consideration several key risk factors for dental disease. Currently, oral health professionals must make determinations of risk for various dental diseases using a hodgepodge of available tools like the caries risk assessment, oral cancer screening, community periodontal index, medical history review, and others. The IHS OHS Measure combines these and other common dental diagnostic metrics to automatically assign an overall risk for dental disease for the individual patient. At the individual level, this OHS Measure can help determine recall intervals or the proper course of treatment [for example, someone at very high caries risk may not be a suitable candidate for fixed prostheses]. At the community/population level, the IHS OHS Measure can be used to determine what scopes of services should be offered and what staffing levels should be [for example, a high rate of periodontal disease may call for additional dental hygienist staffing].
This one-hour webinar is open to all oral health professionals – dentists, dental hygienists, dental health aide therapists, and dental assistants – in IHS, tribal, and urban dental programs. Learn more about the IHS OHS Measure and a new opportunity to use this measure with Dentrix versions 8.0.96 and 11.0.20. Learn about when to use the IHS OHS Measure, how to consistently use it with patients, how to analyze it at a population level, and how to manage patients with IHS OHS Measure results. This webinar is part of a new quality improvement [QI] demonstration project designed to evaluate this new measure and its effectiveness in our programs, with at least seven programs participating in the QI aspect of the project. But again, this webinar is available to anyone interested in learning more about the OHS Measure.
At the conclusion of this webinar [which will be recorded], participants should be able to:
1. Describe the purpose of the IHS Oral Health Status [OHS] Measure in a public health setting, both from an individual and population perspective;
2. List the components of the IHS Oral Health Status [OHS] Measure;
3. Define the four classifications of the IHS Oral Health Status [OHS] Measure; and
4. Implement the IHS Oral Health Status [OHS] Measure consistently in your dental program.
Joel Knutson — Dental Informatics and Project Manager for the IHS Electronic Dental Record For follow-up questions, please contact the speaker at joel.knutson@ihs.gov.
It is the policy of the Indian Health Service, Division of Oral Health, that faculty/planners disclose any financial or other relationships with commercial companies whose products may be discussed in the educational activity. The Indian Health Service, Division of Oral Health, also requires that faculty disclose any unlabeled or investigative use of pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Images that have been falsified or manipulated to misrepresent treatment outcomes are prohibited.
None of the faculty/planners for this activity has a conflict of interest, and there is no use of unlabeled or investigative pharmaceutical products or medical devices. No images have been falsified or manipulated to misrepresent treatment outcomes.The educational objectives, content, and selection of educational methods and instructors are conducted independent of any commercial entity.

The IHS Division of Oral Health is an accredited sponsor of continuing education under the American Dental Association Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP). ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the IHS at IHS CDE Coordinator or to the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition at CCEPR.ada.org
Please Make Checks Payable to: Indian Health Service.
Tuition must be paid in full 8 weeks prior to the start date of any course. Request for refunds must be received in writing at least two weeks before the course begins. For each refund request, there will be an administrative charge of $100. No refunds will be made to registrants who fail to attend a course. If IHS CDE program cancels a course, then 100% of the tuition will be refunded.