About Us
The Indian Health Service (IHS) Division of Program Statistics is a source of American Indian and Alaska Native demographic and patient care information as described below.
General Information
- Kirk Greenway, Principal Statistician and Director, Division of Program Statistics
Demographic Statistics
IHS service population estimates and projections, social and economic data from the Bureau of Census, birth and death data from State vital event certificates.
- Vacant, Demographic Statistics
Patient Care Statistics
IHS user population estimates, hospital discharge data and ambulatory medical services data from IHS and Tribal direct and contract facilities.
- Ying Zhang, Senior Statistician, Patient Care Statistics
Additional Staff Members
- Alan Friedman, Health Statistician
- Priscilla Sandoval, Program Analyst
- Jennifer Joseph, Staff Assistant
Two Main Reports are Published by the Division of Program Statistics
Trends in Indian Health
Presents trends in key health status indicators over time for the IHS service population compared to the U.S. all races population.
Regional Differences in Indian Health
Presents comparisons of key health status indicators among the twelve IHS Areas/Regions and the U.S. all races population for the most recent time period that data are available.
Address and Phone Number for all Division of Program Statistics Staff
Indian Health Statistics
Office of Public Health Support
Division of Program Statistics
5600 Fishers Lane, Mailstop: 09E70
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone: 301-443-1180