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IHS is Improving Care for Women and Infants Affected by the Opioid Epidemic

IHS is Improving Care for Women and Infants Affected by the Opioid Epidemic

Promoting wellness and recovery in pregnant American Indian and Alaska Native women, their children, and their families is essential to the health of Native communities and future generations. The IHS and the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Native American Child Health released new clinical recommendations regarding neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome for IHS, tribal and urban Indian organization health care facilities. These recommendations provide standards of care surrounding screening, diagnosis, and treatment of pregnant mothers and infants affected by prenatal opioid exposure.


IHS and AAP release clinical recommendations to improve care of American Indian, Alaska Native women and infants impacted by prenatal opioid exposure.

IHS and ACOG release clinical recommendations to improve care of American Indian, Alaska Native women with opioid use disorder

Pain and Opioid Use Disorder

IHS National Committee on Heroin, Opioids and Pain Efforts