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Benefits Coordination


Our Benefits Coordinators (BC) do just that, assist patients with health benefits. Some patients come to PIMC already enrolled with MedicareExit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  (*), Private Insurance, or the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Exit Disclaimer: You Are Leaving  (*) . Patients identified as having no alternate healthcare resources are contacted to explain the importance of having additional health care coverage in the form of Health Insurance. Our BCs work closely with Purchased Referred Care, Case Management, and Providers to identify programs that patients may qualify for; if one or more programs is found, the patient will be contacted and provided guidance.

Health Insurance & IHS

You may be wondering why you should consider getting health insurance when you are eligible for no-cost health care from Indian health care programs, including Indian Health Service (IHS), your tribe, or an urban Indian health program. Here are some facts to help answer those questions.

Do you also need the page updated the same?

#1: IHS is Not a Form of Health Insurance

The Indian Health Service (IHS) is a part of the federal government that delivers health care to American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) and provides funds for tribal and urban Indian health programs. Health insurance, on the other hand, pays for health care covered by your plan. It protects you from paying the full costs of medical services when you are injured or sick and pays for services to prevent you from becoming ill.


#2: Even People Eligible for IHS Need Insurance

Health insurance covers many things Indian health care programs do not provide. With health insurance you can:

  • Get in to see specialists that IHS cannot provide OR whose specialty are outside of IHS services
  • Get health care for covered services without IHS Purchase Referred Care authorization
  • Get health care when you are away from home

#3: You Can Stay with Your Indian Health Clinic

All IHS clinics gladly accept health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). You won’t have to change doctors or facilities if you don’t want to, even if your state has a Medicaid managed care network.

Benefits Coordinator Hours

Monday thru Friday (except federal holidays) 7:00am to 4:00pm

Contact a Benefit Coordinator

There are many benefits coordinators around the PIMC campus that can assist you. See the below table and call the individual who most aligns with the care/coverage you need. Additionally, you can email us at for assistance. Please do not include any Personal Health Information in the email.

Benefits Coordinators &
Business Representatives
Clinic(s) Covered: Phone/Ext:
Kyla Hosteen
Benefits Coordinator Lead
Emergency/Admissions/Centers of Excellence (COE)/
Center for Specialized Care (CSC)/Same Day Surgery(SDS)/Procedure Room
Vivian Morris
Benefits Coordinator Lead
COE/Center of Specialized Care/ED 602-581-6866
Sharon Morgan Women’s Clinic/OB Ultrasound/Admissions 602-859-4925
Lisa Montana Pediatric Clinic 602-581-6611
Harriet Begay Same Day Surgery (SDS)/Purchase Referred Care (PRC)/Emergency 602-768-8567
KeeAnn Soliz Women's Clinic 602-581-6435
Tanya Yellowhair Emergency/Podiatry/Physical Therapy/Orthopedics 602-339-6554
Jacqueline Siquieros Specialty Clinic/Admissions/Procedure Room 602-681-6817
Marty Todacheenie Behavioral Health/Admissions/Pediatrics/Same Day Surgery 602-387-2859
Violet Rodriquez Admissions 602-581-6029
Donna Ganther Dental Main/Dental Annex 602-581-6696
Berlinda Reid Primary Care Medicine Clinic 602-581-6674
Alberta Riley Emergency Room 602-581-6193