Portland Area

Overseeing the delivery of Health Care to Native American people in the Northwest
The Portland Area Indian Health Service provides access to health care for an estimated 150,000 American Indian/Alaska Native residents of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Health delivery services are provided by a mix of health centers, health stations, preventative health programs and urban programs. Health centers provide a wide range of clinical services and are open 40 hours each week. Health stations provide a limited range of clinical services and usually operate less than 40 hours per week. Preventive programs offer counselor and referral services.
The Portland Area Indian Health Service operates six Federal health facilities in five Tribal communities and one at Chemawa Indian School. Tribes operate health facilities under the authority of the Indian Self-determination and Education Assistance Act (Public Law 93-638, as amended), Titles 1 and V. Twenty-three Tribes have Title V compacts and there are twenty-four Tribes or Tribal organizations that contract under Title 1. Overall, Tribes administer more than 74% of the Portland Area budget authority appropriation through Self-Determination contracts or Self-Governance compacts. There are also three Urban programs with services ranging from community health to comprehensive primary health care services.