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Standard Format for Published References

Abbreviations for journal names should be those used in Index Medicus. References should be sequentially designated in the text by superior numbers and listed at the end of each article in numerical sequence. List all authors when there are six or less; when seven or more, list only first three and add "et al." Please use the following formats:


1. Standard Journal Article
Blondin B. Traditional use of tobacco among the Dene. Artic Med Res. 1990;49(suppl 2):51-53.

2. Corporate Author
The Committee on Enzymes of the Scandinavian Society of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Physiology. Recommended method for the determination of gamma-glutamyltransferase in blood. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 1976;36:119-25.

Books and Other Monographs

3. Personal Author(s)
Hawton K, Catalan J. Attempted Suicide: A Practical Guide to its Nature and Management. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 1987:125-146.

4. Editor, Compiler as Author
Dausset J, Colombani J, eds. Histocompatability Testing 1972. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1973:12-18.

5. Agency Publication
Ranofsky AL. Surgical Operations in Short-Stay Hospitals: United States, 1975. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics; 1978. DHEW publication no. (PHS) 78-1785. (Vital and health statistics; series 13; no. 34).

6. Chapter in Book
Sands MA, Mandell GL. Antimicrobial agents: general considerations. In: Gilman AG, Goodman LS, Gilman A, eds. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 6th ed. New York, NY: MacMillan; 1980:1080-1105.

Adapted from: Iverson C, Dan BB, Glitman P, et al. American Medical Association Manual of Style. 8th ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins; 1989.