Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why use TeleBehavioral Health (TBH) services?
A. TBH allows us to provide services that are not available locally or would require patient travel for access.
Q. How is TBH different than an in-person appointment?
A. TBH allows us to provide services that are not available locally or would require patient travel for access.
Q. Is a patient able to directly schedule telehealth services?
A. At this time, patients must contact their local facility to access telehealth services.
Q. Is it confidential and private?
A. Yes. The session will be held in a private office and the connection is encrypted.
Q. Will the TBH provider have my medical record?
A. Yes. TBH providers have access to your Electronic Health Record. They will review your record and write prescriptions in your record.
Q. I’m interested in becoming an IHS telebehavioral health provider. Are there any job opportunities?
A. The best way to learn about IHS job opportunities is to visit USA.JOBS.