Mini-Cog Screening Pilot

Alzheimer’s disease is the leading cause of dementia and is rapidly increasing among American Indian and Alaska Native populations. To address this, we are launching the second round of six-month pilot projects starting in January 2025. This builds on the lessons learned and successes of the 2024 CHR Mini-Cog© pilot.
CHR programs were chosen because CHRs are trusted frontline workers who provide culturally relevant care and help patients access health services. The project includes targeted screenings of older adults, tracking results, offering dementia education, and making referrals for follow-up care. It will also identify challenges in using the Mini-Cog©, such as staff time and patient access to resources.
The pilot aims to improve dementia care and raise awareness about Alzheimer’s and other dementias in American Indian and Alaska Native communities. The project details are summarized below. Read the full details, including background information and research, in the Request for Application.
Learn more about Alzheimer's and Dementia .
For more information on the Mini-Cog© tool, visit the Mini-Cog© website.
Timeline and Activities
The project will run from January 1, 2025, to June 30, 2025.
Event | Date |
Application Deadline | November 18, 2024 (5 PM ET) |
Notification of Selection | December 2, 2024 |
Welcome/orientation call | December 17, 2024 (1 pm – 2 pm ET) |
Mandatory training/launch meeting in Phoenix, AZ | January 14-16, 2025 |
Final report and closeout activities completed by | July 17, 2025 |
This opportunity is now closed. Application information below is for reference only.
Download the Request for Applications [DOCx - 216 KB]
Pilot Goal
The project will test the applicability of the Mini-Cog©, a quick dementia screening tool, in community health representative (CHR) programs.
Program Components
Key activities for the project:
- Attend a dementia and Mini-Cog© in-person training.
- Attend mandatory monthly meetings from February though July via ZOOM invite.
- Submit required monthly data reports due throughout the project period.
- Conduct regular dementia screenings for American Indian and Alaska Native older adults.
- Record data on the screenings.
- Provide patient education about dementia and the importance of screening.
- Refer patients to primary care or community resources based on screening results.
- Identify facilitators and barriers to implementing the Mini-Cog© by CHRs.
- Raise awareness of dementia among healthcare workers and community members.
To be eligible to apply, CHR programs must:
- Serve American Indian and Alaska Native elders.
- Be able to implement the Mini-Cog© cognitive screening tool.
- Have the capacity to submit reports and attend required meetings.
Application Requirements
Applicants MUST:
- Complete all sections of the application (typed, not handwritten). No portion may remain blank. All signatures must be provided.
- Provide the required program and financial information to expedite fund transfers.
Applications must be received by Monday, November 18, 2024, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.