Fluoride Varnish
Fluoride varnish has been shown to be effective in preventing dental caries. This webpage is devoted to providing dental teams and our medical and community partners with information about fluoride varnish, including literature that provides evidence of its effectiveness. There is also a link to the online course, which provides instruction in the application of fluoride varnish, available to all involved in the IHS ECC Collaborative.
- Head Start & Community Partners: Online "How to Apply Fluoride Varnish" Course (YouTube)
- IHS Dental Staff: Online "How to Apply Fluoride Varnish" Course (IHS CDE Catalog Course: DE0001)
- Topical Fluoride Recommendations for High-Risk Children - Development of Decision Support Matrix (PDF - 2.3MB)
- Fluoride Varnish: an Evidence-Based Approach Research Brief Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors Fluorides Committee (PDF - 290KB)
- Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United States
- Engaging Primary Care Medical Providers in Children's Oral Health (State Reimbursement Chart)
- Fluoride Varnish: A Resource Guide
- Fluoride Varnish: An Effective Tool for Preventing Dental Caries (fact sheet)
- Fluoride Varnish: An Evidence-Based Approach (brief)
- Fluoride Varnish (policy statement)
- Resource Highlights: Focus on Fluoride Varnish (guide)
- One study showed a 44% reduction in caries incidence in 3-yr. olds.
- Holm AK. Effect of fluoride varnish (Duraflor) in preschool children. Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology 1979 October; 7(5):241-5.
- Other studies have also shown that the use of fluoride varnish greatly reduces caries in children.
- Clark DC. Results of the Sherbrook-Lac Megantic fluoride varnish study after 20 months. Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology 1985 April; 13(2): 61-4.
- Koch G et al. Caries preventive effect of a fluoride-containing varnish after 1 year’s study. Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology 1975 November; 3(6):262-6.
- Helfenstein U. A note concerning the caries preventive effect of Duraphat. Community Dentistry & Oral Epidemiology 1994 February; 22(1):6-7.
- The application of fluoride varnish has been proven to be an effective method of reducing early childhood caries by protecting teeth, re-mineralizing weakened tooth enamel and slowing or halting the progression of early decay.
- J.A. Weintraub et al., “Fluoride Varnish Efficacy in Preventing Early Childhood Caries,” Journal of Dental Research volume 85, issue 2 (2006): 172-176.
- Children who received four or more application of varnish in 18 months had 35% reduced decayed surfaces over children who received none.