Oral Health Literacy Initiative — Resources
Courtesy of ADA website and Dr. Alice Horowitz
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Increasing the Dental Team's Knowledge about Health Literacy
- California Oral Health Technical Assistance Center's Oral Health Literacy Toolkit This comprehensive toolkit includes resources for oral health providers to improve communication with their patients, including a dental practice assessment checklist, a booklet on the teach-back method, and an action plan.
- Cultural Competency Program for Oral Health Providers - Online continuing dental education course (6 credits) that is part of Think Cultural Health, sponsored by the Office of Minority Health.
- American Dental Association Health Literacy in Dentistry
- CDC Health Literacy for Public Health Professionals. A web-based course to educate public health professionals on the importance of health literacy and their role in providing health information and services and promoting public health literacy.
- TeamSTEPPS Core Curriculum The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) TeamSTEPPS® program was developed to support effective communication and teamwork in health care. The curriculum offers training for participants to implement TeamSTEPPS® in their organizations.
- Smiles for Life - A National Oral Health Curriculum . Smiles for Life produces educational resources to ensure the integration of oral health and primary care.
- Health Affairs. Brach C. Health Affairs Blog Making Informed Consent An Informed Choice , April 4, 2019.
- California Dental Association Journal, April 2012. The 2012 April issue of the CDA Journal focuses on oral health literacy.
- AHRQ Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit, 2nd Edition. The toolkit offers primary care practices a way to assess their services for health literacy considerations, increase patient understanding of health information and raise the awareness of the office about the use of health literacy principles.
- Always Use Teach-back training toolkit
Creating Clear and Effective Written Information
- Plainlanguage.gov The website contains plain language guidelines, training, and examples.
- The CDC Clear Communication Index is a research-based tool to help you develop and assess public communication materials.
Improving the Health Literacy Environment of the Dental Office
- The health literacy environment of hospitals and health centers. Partners for action: Making your healthcare facility literacy-friendly. Rudd RE, Andersen J. Boston, MA: Harvard School of Public Health; 2006.
- The Health Literacy Environment Activity Packet: First Impressions and Walking Interview Rudd RE. Boston, MA: Harvard School of Public Health; 2010. This packet focuses on four activities designed to help staff members consider the health literacy environment of their workplace.
- Ten Attributes of Health Literate Health Care Organizations
Patient Educational Materials
- American Dental Association's™ Consumer Website
- National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Variety of oral health topics and many are available in print and electronic format.
- Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) Oral Health Educational Materials
- Oral Health Kansas Tips and Tricks
- Healthy Teeth, Healthy Kids
- National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement Ask Me 3: Good Questions for Your Good Health
- Team Maureen Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Toolkit
If you're interested in the human papillomavirus (HPV) toolkit that was available during the Native American Pueblo Parent Resources (NAPPR) Vendor Fair, held in conjunction with the 2019 IHS Dental Updates meeting, please e-mail Team Maureen info@teammaureen.org Subject: AI/AN Toolkit Request.

Other Initiative Information
- Educational Materials — Patient handouts on a variety of dental topics developed by Albuquerque Dental Support Center.
- Presentations — Links to IHS PowerPoint presentations on oral health literacy.
- Articles — Articles about oral health literacy.
- Videos — Videos about topics such as teach-back technique and health literacy.
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