Provider Considerations

Clinician-To-Clinician Substance Use Warmline
IHS is pleased to announce a collaboration with the National Clinician Consultation Center that provides a new resource for the provider 'toolbox' that also supports I/T/U sites with increasing access to Medication Assisted Treatment.
The Substance Use Warmline (1-855-300-3595) offers free, on-demand Clinician-To-Clinician support for I/T/U providers managing substance use disorders. The Warmline is available Monday through Friday from 6am to 5pm Pacific Time (PT) for all health care providers in IHS federal, tribal, and urban facilities. Calls are answered by trained clinical support specialists with diverse experience and extensive training in substance use disorder interventions.
- Clinical Substance Use Warmline flyer [PDF - 1.2 MB]
Legal Considerations
On December 29th 2022, The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 was signed into law and eliminated the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000’s (DATA) waiver (X-Waiver) requirement for prescribing buprenorphine for opioid use disorders. The removal of administrative barriers to buprenorphine prescribing supports Indian healthcare providers in efficiently and effectively providing evidence-based treatment, strengthens the provider-patient relationship, and supports persons in recovery. Agency, Area, facility, and prescriber factors are considerations in the full implementation of this rule change.
Read more about these changes in the Buprenorphine Prescribing Updates flyer. [PDF - 244 KB]
Access the following link to increase your general knowledge:
- Physician Buprenorphine Waiver Training – 8-hour training
Long-Acting Buprenorphine (Sublocade®)
Providers and pharmacies must follow a number of specific steps based on federal requirements when providing treatment with long-acting buprenorphine. Consider using the following tip sheets when offering these medication options to patients.
- Sublocade REMS Tip Sheet [PDF - 2.2 MB]
- Long-Acting Buprenorphine Tip Sheet [PDF - 597 MB]
Additional Resource
- IHS National Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Formulary Brief: Long-Acting Buprenorphine for OUD - July 2020 [PDF - 259 KB]
For additional collaboration and training opportunities, consider registering and engaging in Indian Country ECHOs.
Training Resources
- Addiction Medicine Toolkit (CDC)
- Advancing Pharmacist Roles in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Teams ECHO
- Addiction Treatment Provider Quality Assurance Guidebook: A Guide to the Core Competencies for the Delivery of Addiction Treatment Services [PDF - 1.5 MB] - National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Strategies for Pain Management and Reducing Opioid Use Toolkit [PDF - 149 KB]
- Providers’ Clinical Support System (PCSS) SUD Training Courses
- Your Words Matter: Terms to Use and Avoid When Talking About Addiction [PDF - 72 KB]
The Curated Library about Opioid Use for Decision-makers (CLOUD)
CLOUD was created by the Center for Evidence-based Policy at Oregon Health & Science University, in partnership with the National Governors’ Association and Milbank Memorial Fund. CLOUD is a centralized repository of information to assist decision-making at all levels of the system and offers carefully curated, high quality, evidence-based resources on opioids and the opioid crisis for decision-makers tailored to three audiences: Policymakers and Community Leaders, Payers and Providers, and Patients and Caregivers.
CLOUD is funded by the Oregon Attorney General's Consumer and Prescriber Education Grant Program (CPGP)
SAMHSA, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) constitute a three-tier regulatory system restricting methadone prescribing to oral formulations by registered prescribers in Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP). Individual states determine if mid-level providers are authorized to prescribe methadone.
The Narcotic Addict Treatment Act (NATA) of 1974 requires prescribers to register annually with the DEA and establishes recordkeeping requirements including unsupervised take-home prescriptions of methadone.
The Indian Health Service requires that prescribing practitioners have DEA licenses, unless they are prescribing under the auspices of institutions that have DEA licenses or they are members of the Public Health Service. However, even if you’re a prescribing practitioner working under an "umbrella" DEA license, it's recommended that you get your own DEA license.
Revised Policy Regarding the Federal Government Doctor [PDF - 265 KB], FEDDOC Program, DEA Memorandum
Clarification regarding locum tenens registration [PDF - 37 KB], DEA letter
The Indian Health Manual has specific requirements for prescribing controlled substances in Section 3-7.3D(2) of the Manual.
The DEA's Practitioner's Manual states that a prescription for a controlled substance may only be issued by a practitioner who is:
- Authorized to prescribe controlled substances by the jurisdiction in which the practitioner is licensed to practice,
- Registered with DEA or exempted from registration (that is, Public Health Service, Federal Bureau of Prisons, or military practitioners), or
- An agent or employee of a hospital or other institution acting in the normal course of business or employment under the registration of the hospital or other institution that is registered in lieu of the individual practitioner being registered (provided that additional requirements as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations are met).
Practitioners worried about interference from law enforcement agencies concerning the prescribing of opioids or other controlled substances should note that the Drug Enforcement Administration’s official policy states:
The longstanding requirement … that physicians may prescribe controlled substances only for legitimate medical purposes in the usual course of professional practice should in no way interfere with the legitimate practice of medicine or cause any physician to be reluctant to provide legitimate pain treatment. [emphasis added] (71 Fed. Reg. 52,716)
And, while the Drug Enforcement Administration actively pursues doctors and others it believes are involved in illicit prescribing, the DEA stated the following in testimony to Congress in 2006:
The overwhelming majority of prescribing in America is conducted responsibly. Often these responsible doctors and pharmacists are the first to alert law enforcement to potential prescription problems. However, the small number of physicians who over prescribe controlled substances—carelessly at best, knowingly at worst—help supply America’s second most widespread drug addiction problem. Although the problem exists, the number of physicians and pharmacists responsible for this problem is a very small fraction (less than 1 percent) of those licensed to prescribe and dispense controlled substances in the United States. [emphasis added]
The Drug Enforcement Administration has issued an interim final rule allowing practitioners the option of writing prescriptions for controlled substances (Schedules II through V) electronically and permitting pharmacies to receive, dispense, and archive electronic prescriptions. (21 C.F.R. Parts 1300, 1304, 1306, and 1311) This new regulation modifies existing regulations, which remain in force. The prescribing practitioner must use an electronic health record application (software) that complies with the interim final rule, and a qualified third party must verify the application’s compliance with the rule. For a copy of the interim final rule and for questions and answers about it, visit the Office of Diversion Control .
Drug Enforcement Administration regulations allow practitioners to provide individual patients with multiple prescriptions, to be filled sequentially, for the same Schedule II controlled substance, with such multiple prescriptions having the combined effect of allowing a patient to receive over time up to a 90-day supply of that controlled substance. (21 C.F.R. Part 1306) Among the requirements are that each prescription issued have a “legitimate medical purpose” and that doctors include written instructions on each prescription.
Indian Health Service. Office of Management Services. Indian Health Manual. Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, 2009.
"Dispensing Controlled Substances for the Treatment of Pain; Policy Statement," [PDF - 140 KB] Federal Register, Vol. 71, No. 172 (September 6, 2006), pp. 52,716-52,723.
Office of Diversion Control. Drug Enforcement Administration.