Additional Training and Resources
Clinical Substance Use Management Consultation

The Substance Use Warmline (1-855-300-3595) offers on-demand clinician-to-clinician support and peer-to-peer consultation from physicians, clinical pharmacists, and nurses with special expertise in substance use evaluation and management for providers managing SUDs. It is available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.
Webinar Recording: Outpatient Management of Stimulant Use Disorder and Cardiac Considerations
In this presentation, Dr. Phillip O. Coffin, MD, MIA, FACP, FIDSA, and Dr. Jonathan D. Davis, MD, MPHS, provide an overview of outpatient management of stimulant use disorder and related cardiac conditions.
In collaboration with the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, the IHS HOPE Committee launched a virtual, on-demand naloxone train-the-trainer course that medical professionals, first responders, and community members may all use to become official naloxone trainers. The course discusses the rise in opioid-related deaths, how to identify an overdose, how to properly administer nasal and injectable naloxone, as well as sharing best practices related to harm reduction strategies.
The ECHO model is a virtual tele-education platform that provides team-based education, case studies and various continuing education credits. Through ECHO sessions, IHS, Tribal and Urban Indian healthcare workers use video technology to participate in guided practice with specialist mentors and acquire new skills that allow them to treat patients that they otherwise would have referred out. Patients with chronic, complex conditions get high quality care where they live, from providers they know at the primary care level.
Indian Country ECHO – Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board
Through creating opportunities to collaborate and share knowledge, Indian Country ECHO is growing a welcoming professional community that enhances providers’ ability to offer American Indian and Alaska Native patients high-quality, specialized care. In addition to offering IHS/Tribal/Urban providers a variety of teleECHO programs, Indian Country ECHO provides no cost trainings, as well as technical assistance and capacity building services.
IHS and Indian Country ECHO have launched the Advancing Pharmacist Roles in Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Teams ECHO – sessions occur on the third Tuesday of every month.
Indian Country ECHO hosts a Substance Use Disorder ECHO – sessions occur on the first Thursday of the month.
Indian Country ECHO also hosts special ECHO sessions, tilted "Grand Rounds" – to address emerging priorities - sessions occur on varying Tuesdays of the month.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Employee Education System offers free access to the VHA TRAIN system for IHS employees. VHA TRAIN is a gateway into TRAIN National, a free service of the Public Health Foundation and one of the most widely used learning management systems, providing a comprehensive catalog of public health learning products. Participants will also be able access archived presentations for CEUs.
Re-visiting Screening Strategies in a New Era of Evidence-based Treatment for Substance Use Disorder
This Screening Strategies in-depth discussion on Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) will illustrate best practices and practice improvement in SUD screening, examine practices for treatment referral or treatment initiation for patients screening positive for opioid use disorder (OUD), and discussion to support SBIRT implementation strategies.
To receive CE credit, you must watch the complete video and complete the evaluation