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Ft. Yuma Proposed Health Care Facility
The Planning activities include the development of Program Justification Documents (PJD) and Program of Requirement (POR) documents, data analysis, area master plan, joint ventures, and consultation to the Tribes/Service Units. The PJD justifies the need of health care services that are to be provided in the proposed new or renovation/expansion health care facility, the workloads and population being served, and a description of the existing health care services. The POR is a detailed description of the space that will house the proposed health care services. The POR is provided to Congress with the PJD for budgeting and funding approval and to the Architect and Engineer to provide design direction. Planning prepares planning documents for approved staff quarters.

The Indian Health Service Health Systems Planning (HSP) software and the Indian Health Service Resource Requirements Methodology (RRM) are tools utilized for the development of the PJD, POR, and evaluate data for programming and staffing patterns, respectively.

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