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Copying a Previous Course

Once you have created a catalog, you can copy courses from previous catalogs or from the current catalog. To copy courses from a catalog, or from this catalog, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “Administration” tab in main navigation
  2. Under the Administration tab, click “Catalog” to go to the Admin Catalog page
  3. In the Catalog Tools on the right side of the screen, click the “Copy Courses” link to go to the Copy Courses Wizard
  4. Select the Year of the catalog you want to copy courses from
  5. Select a Category from the list provided (by default the category is set to “All”)
  6. Click the “go” button to create the list of courses from the selected catalog and category
  7. Select the course(s) to copy from the list created; use Ctrl+Click for multiple selections
  8. Click the “Submit” button to add the selected course(s) to the catalog currently under edit

Note: All copied courses are renumbered according to the new catalog-numbering scheme.

All of these courses must go through the same review and edit process as new courses before they are finalized and published.