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Catalog Administration


Catalog Administration consists of:

Creating a new catalog each fiscal year, creating new courses for catalogs, copying courses from previous catalogs, assigning course directors to courses, general course administration, requesting reviews of courses before catalog publication, adding courses to existing catalogs, and posting / publishing catalogs

The Continuing Dental Education (CDE) Administrator can use the CDE web site to create a new catalog and populate it with courses. The process requires input from both the CDE Administrator and the Instructor or Course Director.


To perform these tasks, the CDE Administrator uses the following pages within the Continuing Dental Education (CDE) website:

  • CDE Home to login
  • Admin Catalog to create and view a new catalog
  • Add Course to create a new course and add it to a catalog
  • Copy Course to copy a course from the current or a previous catalog into the current catalog
  • Edit Course to assign Instructors and Course Directors to the course, review or modify specific information on a course and other course administration tasks, and request course reviews
  • Admin System to publish a catalog

To view the details of a task, click the link in the task list on the right side of this page.