Oklahoma City Area

COVID-19 3/29 Vacine Event [PDF - 709 KB]
The Oklahoma City Area Indian Health Service serves the states of Oklahoma, Kansas, and portions of Texas. Oklahoma is home to more than 39 Tribes and Tribal Organizations, a unique characteristic of the Oklahoma City Area because a large number of Tribes have opted to operate their own health programs including large scale hospitals to the smaller preventive care programs and behavioral health programs. The Area consists of 8 Service Units with federally operated hospitals, clinics and smaller health stations.
The Oklahoma City Area is also home to Urban Clinics and Urban Demonstration Projects which operate similar to Service Units. All the Urban Clinic facilities are Federally Qualified Health Centers, which provide ambulatory outpatient health care to Urban communities.
The large number of Tribal Health Care Facilities and Programs is an accurate reflection of the partnerships and cooperation the Oklahoma City Area has with the Tribes in our Area as we join together to fulfill the health care needs of our community.