Mandatory Opioid Overdose Reversal Training

Accidental overdose can happen to anyone using opioids. The Indian Health Service is increasing awareness of the signs of overdose and equipping employees to respond to life-threatening opioid-related overdose events that may occur in the health-system setting or the community. IHS requires all federal employees, contractors, and clinical residents working for IHS to complete IHS-approved annual training on overdose reversal and naloxone administration.
Learn more about IHS naloxone initiatives.
Mandatory Opioid Overdose Reversal Training (Naloxone)
Note: Employees access training through LMS. All others will access video content after login through their IHS web account.
Supplemental Information
Note: the mandatory training references two additional supplemental videos:
- Naloxone Demonstration – watch on YouTube
- Opioid Stewardship Overview – watch on YouTube