California Area Funded Projects 2009-2014
California Area Indian Health Service
The IHS California Area Office MSPI project aims to improve the knowledge of suicide prevention and depression for Federal, Tribal, and Urban Indian health care providers in the California Area. The project provides education and training opportunities for suicide prevention and historical trauma. The project also supports residential substance abuse treatment for American Indian youth.
Hoopa Valley Tribe
The Hoopa Valley Tribe MSPI project, the Suicide Prevention and Crisis Response Program, addresses suicide and methamphetamine use in the community through the use of evidence-based practices and community events. The project has collaborated with the local high school to create a youth club called “Be the Change” which hosts community and school-focused prevention activities and promotes community wellness.
San Manuel Band of Serrano Mission Indians
The San Manuel MSPI project aims to increase community awareness of suicide and methamphetamine abuse. The project actively participates in community culture-building activities and hosts tribal meetings and youth meetings. The project also supports a local youth wellness program, the San Manuel Addiction and Recovery Treatment Program, and health education and healthy lifestyle promotion and prevention services. The project also publishes the monthly San Manuel Tribal Wellness Newsletter.
Toiyabe Indian Health Project, Inc.
The Toiyabe Indian Health MSPI project addresses suicide and methamphetamine use in the community. The project’s prevention efforts include Numu Life Skills, an adaptation of American Indian Life Skills (AILS), for youth in community school and safeTALK trainings. The project also offers culture-based classes including, photography classes, and American Indian sign language classes. The project provides behavioral training to medical staff and has integrated behavioral health into primary care services, reducing stigma and increasing access to care.
United Indian Health Services
The United Indian Health Services MSPI project uses evidence-based practices, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing, Red Road to Recovery, and Sources of Strength curriculums to address suicidal behaviors and provide direct services to clients. These services are supported by a traditional healer and are coupled with traditional practices to provide holistic care.