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Injury Prevention Program

Driver seated in car buckling a seat belt

Injuries as a Public Health Concern

Indian Health Focus: Injuries 2017 Edition [PDF - 5MB]


Raise the health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest possible level by decreasing the incidence of severe injuries and death to the lowest possible level and increasing the ability of tribes to address their injury problems.

About Us

We are the lead IHS program to address the injury disparities on AI/AN communities. This widely-recognized program works with tribes and partners to reduce the disproportionate impact of injuries on Indian people.

  • Adopt the public heath approach to prevent injuries
  • Assist communities implement injury prevention programs
  • Support community-specific solutions
  • Facilitate capacity building
  • Share effective strategies
  • Build partnerships
  • Develop policy
  • Provide training


Join the Injury Prevention LISTSERV to receive program updates and resources relevant to American Indian/Alaska Native communities.