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Diabetes and Commercial Tobacco

Quiz for CE Credit

This quiz consists of multiple choice questions with one correct answer.
Please select one answer for each question, then click the Submit Answers button at the end of the quiz.

1. Traditional Tobacco is a sacred plant for many tribes. It is grown naturally without chemicals and harvested in prayer. It is used for sacred purposes of special significant offerings only.

2. Commercial Tobacco has over 2,000 harmful chemicals of which 69 are cancerous. Gases and particles are emitted while smoking commercial tobacco including: Carbon Monoxide, Nicotine, Hydrogen Cyanide, Lead, Ammonia, Nitrosamine, Formaldehyde, Cadmium, Polonium-210, and Benzene.

3. According to 2019 data, Native American adults and adolescents have a higher prevalence of smoking than any other race in the US.

4. Which of the following statements are true with regards to the impact of smoking on the body and the increased risk of developing diabetes.

5. All forms of Commercial Tobacco are unsafe and addictive.

6. One of the most important ways to be successful with your patients who smoke is to get to know them and know their health goals. A regimen of behavioral and medicinal therapy may improve their chances of quitting by 50%.

7. It is important to ask patients who use commercial tobacco if they are interested in quitting at every visit with a clinician.