May 1, 2023: IHS Updates for Tribes and Tribal and Urban Indian Organizations
This bi-weekly update provides up to date information on Indian Health Service and other federally-hosted meetings, conferences, deadlines and recognition from across the Indian health system. For more information or questions, email
HHS 25th Annual Tribal Budget and Policy Consultation
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently hosted its 25th Annual Tribal Budget and Policy Consultation in Washington, D.C. This department-wide budget consultation is the only one across the federal government solely focused on a department’s budget. Several tribes provided testimony to agencies across the HHS, including the Administration for Children and Families, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the National Institutes of Health, and many others under the HHS purview. Deputy Director Ben Smith and Chief Financial Officer Jillian Curtis represented the IHS to hear testimony directly from tribal leaders and IHS budget formulation leadership. The consultation was hosted in a hybrid environment, allowing many participants to join directly from their tribal homelands. The combined in-person and virtual attendance totaled more than 400 participants, and testimony provided input into the Fiscal Year 2025 budget process.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Annual Budget and Policy Consultation in Washington, D.C.
IHS Announces $2.5 Million for Produce Prescription Programs in Indian Country
This week, the IHS announced the availability of $2.5 million in funding to support the development of produce prescription programs in Native communities. This program aims to help reduce food insecurity and improve health care outcomes among American Indian and Alaska Native people by increasing access to fresh produce and other traditional foods. Produce prescription programs have been shown to increase access to nutritious foods in communities at risk for food insecurity, and the IHS looks forward to seeing positive results for our people and patients through this funding. To learn more, read the full release.

IHS Strategic Initiative: Asthma Control in Tribal Communities
IHS Chief Medical Officer Dr. Loretta Christensen recently announced the release of the IHS Strategic Initiative – Asthma Control in Tribal communities, or ACT. As a clinical and public health priority in our vulnerable service population, IHS advocates a comprehensive strategy to reduce asthma-related morbidity and mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives. As part of this important initiative, IHS will support federal, tribal and urban Indian organization programs as they ACT to increase asthma awareness, recognize and diagnose asthma, support asthma control, and improve asthma-related outcomes.
The IHS ACT webpage is now live and includes useful information such as a summary of the ACT Initiative, an easy, one-touch resource toolbox with helpful public health, provider and patient/community resources, as well as best practices from IHS. To learn more, read the IHS blog.

HHS/DOI Buy Indian Small Business Industry Day
On April 25-26, the IHS partnered with HHS and the Department of the Interior Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilizations in the inaugural HHS/DOI Native Small Businesses Industry Day and virtual matchmaking event. Speakers included the executive director of the White House Council on Native American Affairs and the assistant administrator for the Small Business Administration, Office of Native American Affairs. Over two days, more than 300 federal staff and small businesses networked and discussed ways the federal government can enhance the use of the Buy Indian Act authority. IHS and HHS leadership, including Katrina Brisbon, HHS senior procurement executive, shared guidance and advice to help Native-owned small businesses learn about federal procurement processes and upcoming acquisition opportunities. Santiago Almaraz, IHS head of contracting activity, noted that in FY23, IHS has an agency-wide goal to spend at least 20% of contract dollars to award under the Buy Indian Act. Thank you to all who participated in making this inaugural event a success.

HHS/DOI Native Small Businesses Industry Day
Tribal Delegation Meetings
To create a space for IHS and tribal leadership to directly discuss individual issues or concerns while renewing and strengthening partnerships, the IHS frequently hosts tribal delegation meetings with tribal leaders and tribal organization representatives from across Indian Country.
IHS Deputy Director Ben Smith, along with other IHS senior leaders, recently met with the tribal delegations from the Wichita and Affiliated Tribes, Oklahoma City Area; Colville Confederated Tribes, Portland Area; Oneida Nation, Bemidji Area; and the Shoshone Paiute Tribes of Duck Valley Indian Reservation, Phoenix Area. The IHS appreciates tribal leaders for meeting while attending the HHS Annual Tribal Budget and Policy Consultation to discuss issues and share successes in delivering health care to tribal members.

(Photo 1) Tribal Delegation Meeting with Oneida Nation (Photo 2) Tribal Delegation Meeting with Colville Confederated Tribes
Health IT Modernization Update
The IHS has selected the Alaska Native firm Kadiak, LLC, to help manage, monitor, and provide project management expertise to help IHS successfully plan and execute the Health Information Technology Modernization Program. Kadiak specializes in professional services, including project management support and enterprise IT solutions. The project management expertise supplied through this award will help us continue and expand planning; monitor and reduce risk; and collaborate more with IHS, tribal and urban Indian health care partners as we replace the Resource and Patient Management System with a modern enterprise EHR solution.
Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program Funding Opportunity
The Maternal and Child Health Bureau recently announced an open funding opportunity to support statewide, regional or tribal pediatric mental health tele-consult access programs. The goal of the Pediatric Mental Health Care Access program is to promote behavioral health integration into pediatric primary care. States, tribes and tribal organizations not currently funded in FY21 or FY22 are eligible to apply for new awards, and tribes and tribal organizations in states with existing awards are also eligible to apply. To learn more about the available funding, download the flyer or apply now.
Sexual Assault Awareness and National Child Abuse Prevention Month
The IHS joined many others to recognize April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and National Child Abuse Prevention Month. During this time, many IHS facilities wore blue and hosted local events to show their ongoing support and commitment to preventing violence and identifying the ongoing issues of safety, health and well-being for patients, families and communities nationwide. Learn more and find helpful resources in the latest IHS blogs.

Gallup Indian Medical Center Administrative Services Building Staff

(Photo 1) Indian Health Council in San Diego County, California (Photo 2) Cibecue Health Clinic in Arizona

Whiteriver Service Unit Sexual Assault Awareness Month and National Child Abuse Prevention Month Awareness Day events
Telebehavioral Health Center of Excellence Self-Paced Trainings
The IHS Telebehavioral Health Center of Excellence Tele-Education Program is hosting the following trainings for health care providers over the next two weeks:
- The Importance of Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Use of the M-CHAT
May 4 at 2:00 p.m. ET | Register now - Impact on Attachment in Individuals with a History of Trauma on
May 9 at 12:00 p.m. ET | Register now
Advancements in Diabetes Webinars
The IHS Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention: Advancements in Diabetes Webinar Series is hosting the following webinar for health care providers:
- Management of Type 2 Diabetes: An Update and Review of Non-Injectable Pharmacologic Treatment May 3, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. ET | Click here to attend!
Save the Date
May 4: Monthly Tribal and Urban Indian Organizations Call
May 10: Tribal Consultation and Urban Confer: Health Information Technology Modernization Resources
May 15-19: ATHS Final Negotiations
May 16-17: National Council of Urban Indian Health 2023 Annual Conference
May 18: Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee Quarterly Meeting
Latest IHS Blogs
- IHS Supports Tribal Communities in Addressing Alcohol and Substance Abuse
- IHS Announces Strategic Initiative: Asthma Control in Tribal Communities
Other News
Shortage of Benzathine Penicillin G for Treatment for Syphilis
In April, the IHS National Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee released clinical guidance regarding a nationwide shortage of the medication, benzathine penicillin G, which is the preferred agent for the treatment of syphilis. There has been a significant uptick in syphilis cases in the tribal communities which we serve. The CDC reports that the shortage of benzathine penicillin G should be resolved in the coming months as the manufacturer increases production. The IHS National Supply Service Center is monitoring the situation and working to identify and make benzathine penicillin G available where possible. For more information, please read the clinical guidance developed in consultation with CDC recommendations and the IHS Chief Clinical Consultant for Infectious Disease Dr. Jonathan Iralu.
National Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Spring 2023 Meeting
The IHS National Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee held its Spring 2023 quarterly meeting on April 25-26 at the IHS Albuquerque Area Office. The NPTC is a standing committee of the IHS that promotes quality, access, value and equity in formulary management through maintenance of the IHS National Core Formulary and the provision of clinical expertise related to pharmacotherapy and pharmacovigilance. NPTC membership includes physicians and pharmacists representing each of the IHS Areas, and adjunct members from the IHS National Supply Service Center. During the meeting, the NPTC reviewed a range of topics, including Alzheimer’s disease, osteoarthritis, geriatric medication safety and deprescribing, osteoporosis, secondary prevention of stroke and urinary incontinence. Further information from the NPTC, including clinical guidance documents and the IHS National Core Formulary can be accessed on the website. To receive NPTC correspondence and clinical updates, join the NPTC Listserv.

IHS National Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Spring 2023 meeting at the IHS Albuquerque Area Office
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists visits Navajo Area
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee on American Indian and Alaska Native Women’s Health visited the Navajo Area on April 17-19 to conduct quality benchmarking site visits. Teams visited the Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility, Gallup Indian Medical Center, Northern Navajo Medical Center and Tséhootsooí Medical Center to learn about best practices and serve as a resource for staff and patients. Thank you to the sites and Navajo Area leadership for your hospitality and service.

Members of ACOG’s Committee on American Indian and Alaska Native Women’s Health, Navajo Area leadership and IHS leadership in Gallup, New Mexico.
Celebrating Medical Laboratory Professionals Week
During Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, April 23-29, we celebrate laboratory professionals who protect our future by skillfully adapting to meet today’s evolving patient care and public health challenges with resilience, innovation and expertise. Medical laboratory professionals play a valuable role in health care. At the IHS, our laboratorians are highly trained to perform and evaluate medical laboratory tests used in diagnosing and monitoring our patients. Accurate testing saves lives and is vital to high quality health care.

Billings Area IHS laboratory staff
This bi-weekly update provides up to date information on Indian Health Service and other federally-hosted meetings, conferences, deadlines and recognition from across the Indian health system. For more information or questions, email