Title I

Title I Tribes are Federally recognized Tribes or Tribal organizations that contract or contracts with the Indian Health Service (IHS) to plan, conduct and administer one or more individual programs, functions, services or activities under Public Law (P.L.) 93-638, or portions thereof, including construction program that the IHS would otherwise provide for Indians because of their status as Indians. P.L. 93-638 is the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA).
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Laws and Regulations
The ISDEAA, also known as P.L. 93-638, authorizes Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations to contract for the administration and operation of certain Federal programs which provide services to Indian Tribes and their members. Under the ISDEAA, Tribes and Tribal Organizations have the option to either (1) administer programs and services the IHS would otherwise provide (referred to as Title I Self-Determination Contracting) or (2) assume control over health care programs and services that the IHS would otherwise provide (referred to as Title V Self-Governance Compacting or the TSGP). These options are not exclusive; Tribes may choose to combine them based on their individual needs and circumstances. The following links provide comprehensive information about Title I and Title V regulations: