Indian Health Manual
The Indian Health Manual (IHM) consists of Parts, Chapters, Circulars, Special Government Memoranda, and other document types. IHS human resources directives are typically developed under the direction of OHR Headquarters staff with input from Area leadership. The HR components to the IHM are included in the Human Resources Administration and Management, Part 7, of the IHM, and are included below.

- Chapter 1: Excepted Service Examining Plan
- Chapter 2: Merit Promotion Plan
- Chapter 3: Indian Preference
- Chapter 4: Human Resource and Organization Development
- Chapter 5: Administrative Grievance System
- Chapter 6: Telework Arrangement System
- Chapter 7: Performance Management Appraisal Program (PMAP)
- Chapter 8: Recruitment, Relocation, and Retention Incentives
- Chapter 9: Two-Year Rule
- IHS Circulars (organized by year of publication)