Working with the Diabetes Health Care Team
Working With the Diabetes Health Care Team
Medical Care
Getting regular medical care is important to living well with diabetes. Below is a list and schedule of routine medical care recommended for managing diabetes.
Each Diabetes Medical Visit
- Blood Pressure
- Foot Check
Every 3 to 6 Months
- A1C Test
Usually Once a Year
- Exams
- Eye
- Dental
- Foot
- Lab Tests
- Kidney (urine and blood)
- Cholesterol
- Flu Shot
If your provider recommends home blood sugar testing, take your meter or readings with you to each diabetes visit.
Diabetes Education and Support
Learning about diabetes is an ongoing process. People with diabetes can work closely with a diabetes educator to help them learn about living well with diabetes. Diabetes educators may be nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, or others.
Topics to learn about:
- Healthy eating
- Managing blood sugar and blood pressure
- Taking care of feet, eyes, kidneys, and heart
- Becoming or staying active
- Taking medicine
- Feelings and emotions
- Coping with stress
- Tobacco use