Limit Added Sugar
Limit Added Sugar
Sugar in food can occur naturally or can be added. Sugars (simple carbohydrates) are digested quickly and change to glucose as fuel for the body. Too much sugar is not good for you.

Natural Sugar
Natural sugar is in fruits and naturally sweetened fruit juices, milk, and some vegetables.

Added Sugar
Added sugars are syrups and sugars that are added to foods and drinks during preparation, processing, or at the table.
Too much added sugar may contribute to health problems such as,
weight gain, obesity, and diabetes.
Eating large amounts of added sugar may make it difficult to get all the daily nutrients your body needs and may cause you to consume too many calories.
Major Sources of Added Sugar

Sugar Sweetened Drinks
Sodas & Soft Drinks
Teas & Coffees
Energy & Sport Drinks
Powdered Drink Mixes
Fruit Drinks

Cupcakes & Muffins
Cakes & Pies
Ice Cream
Cookies & Donuts

Sweet Breakfasts
Sweet Cereals
Cereal Bars
Pancakes with Syrup
Flavored Yogurt

Syrups and Sweets
Chocolate Syrup
Reducing Added Sugar
- Choose sugary foods and drinks less often.
- Have smaller servings of sugary foods or drinks.

- Sodas, sports and energy drinks
- Sweet desserts
- Candy bar
- Cookies
- Sweetened cereals

- Fruit infused water or tea
- Fresh fruit or frozen fruit pops
- Smoked salmon or dried meat
- Peanut butter with celery
- Blue corn mush or cereals with less than 3 grams (g) sugar

Let the Nutrition Facts Label Be Your Guide
Check the label to see if foods are LOW or HIGH in added sugars.
- 5% Daily Value or less is LOW in added sugar
- 20% Daily Value or more is HIGH in added sugar
In this example, the added sugar is 23 grams, and the Daily Value is 46%. This food is high in added sugar.
The Daily Value for added sugars is 10% of total calories per day.
For example, if your daily food intake is about 2,000 calories, this would be 50 grams of added sugars.