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California Area Office logoCalifornia Area Office

IHS Director's Workgroup on Improving Purchased/Referred Care (PRC)


The PRC Workgroup is charged with reviewing input on how to improve the PRC Program.  The group will review tribal leaders input on PRC reform; make recommendations on improving the PRC program; and, recommend any changes that need to be made on the formula for new PRC funding.

Tribal Representative Technical Representative
Chris Devers, Tribal Representative, Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pauma & Yuima Reservation, California Mark LeBeau, PhD, Tribal Representative, California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc.
Tribal Alternate Technical Alternate
Orvin Hanson, Chief Executive Officer, Indian Health Council, Inc. VACANT

California Area Representative

Julie Schulte,
Indian Health Service/California Area Office
Phone:  (916) 930-3927, x354
Fax:  (916) 930-3953