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Great Plains Youth Regional Treatment Center

The Joint CommissionWhich has surveyed this organization and found it to meet the requirements for theBehavioral Health Care and Human Services Accreditation Program. Effective June 16, 2021, this acceditation is customarily valid for up to 36 months.

Accredited and Certified by The Joint Commission. The Great Plains Area Youth Regional Treatment Center has earned The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval. To report a patient safety concern or complaint, please contact Great Plains Area YRTC or The Joint Commission

Great Plains Area Youth Regional Treatment Center
PO BOX 680
Mobridge, SD 57601

Notice of Privacy Practices [PDF - 776KB]


Admissions  |  Treatment Services  |  Chief Gall Education Program  |  Family Days  |  Location

The Great Plains Area Youth Regional Treatment Center provides drug and alcohol treatment for adolescents ages 13 - 17 years of age who are enrolled as a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe.

Mission Statement:
Great Plains Area Youth Regional Treatment Center is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle restoring balance and harmony in mind, body & spirit to our American Indian youth and their families.

Vision Statement:
To provide a safe, compassionate, healing environment where our American Indian Youth can be strengthened socially, spiritually, emotionally and physically utilizing a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach.


As an Indian Health Service funded and operated Youth Regional Treatment Center, for admission to the GPAYRTC an applicant/referral must:

  • Be an enrolled member of a Federally recognized Tribe.
  • Have a primary diagnosis of substance dependence/abuse as defined by the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders - (DSM-IV TR).
  • Be between the ages of 13 - 17 years of age.
  • Must be justified by the criteria of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM PPC-2R).
  • Eighteen-year old referrals will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

The Great Plains Area Youth Residential Treatment Center is an open entry open exit residential treatment program for alcohol and other drugs/addictions for adolescents.

We provide an "enhanced" level of care for adolescents requiring dual diagnosis services with consideration given toward the safety of the adolescent, other residents, and/or staff.

Utilizing the South Dakota (SD) s Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse criteria, we are recognized as "Level III Medically Monitored Intensive Inpatient Treatment for Adolescents".

Download and complete an admissions packet [PDF - 242 KB] or to receive an admissions packet please contact Admissions at 605-845-7181.

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Treatment Services


  • One week orientation period
  • Individualized Treatment Planning
  • Treatment stay is determined by his/her motivation and treatment acceptance/resistance
  • The level system as a behavior modification tool
  • Educational progress
  • ASAM LOCI Placement Tool


  • Narcotics Anonymous Meetings
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
  • Ala-teen
  • Adult Children of Alcoholics Meetings
  • Introduction to the 12 Steps
  • Community Church Activities


  • Chemical Dependency Education
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Life Skills
  • Diabetes/Health Education
  • Culture Education
  • Family Education


  • Open Process
  • Coping Skills
  • Family Education
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Treatment Assignment Group
  • Anger Management
  • Co-dependency

Medical Care
Urgent, emergent, general medical care, and other ancillary health care support are provided through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Standing Rock Service Unit IHS hospital, health center, and clinics.

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Chief Gall Education Program

On behalf of the Education Department at GPAYRTC, welcome to the Chief Gall Alternative Education Program (CGAEP) homepage. We provide educational services to all residents in treatment, with the goal of assisting the residents in earning credit in their middle school and high school classes. With the guidance of CGAEP, residents not only graduate from their treatment program, but they may earn a GED, complete a grade level, or recover lost credits. We encourage residents to participate in collaboration with their home school and CGAEP in order to maintain consistency and continuity, so that residents may have a more successful transition back to the home and school environment after graduation from treatment.

The Chief Gall Alternative Education Program is dedicated to facilitating the development and maintenance of education and learning as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for American Indian Youth.


  • CGAEP has been a South Dakota Department of Education "Approved Alternative Education Program" since 1998.
  • CGAEP offers Special Education Services, GED preparation, home school collaboration, and classroom instruction with a certified Alternative/Special Education teacher.
  • Residents receive educational services that are developed by the Alternative/Special Education Teacher on an individual basis that are developed in collaboration with home school, academic records, student input, and guardian input.
  • Students have an opportunity to recover lost credits towards graduation using authentic assessment while enrolled as well as staying on track with their current learning.

Services Provided:

  • Educational assessments that are available include the Test of Written Language (TOWL-3), Diagnostic Achievement Test for Adolescents (DATA-2), Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (K-TEA), Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-Bit), Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Third Edition (PPVT-IIIA&B), Expressive Vocabulary Test (EVT), and Informal Test of Basic Knowledge.
  • General Educational Development (GED) pretest, GED test preparation, GED equivalency diploma.
  • A career planning assessment, the Choices Ability Profiler, allows residents to explore career possibilities based on a general abilities test.
  • In collaboration with GPAYRTC staff, residents have many opportunities to participate in cultural education, craft, art, music, and many other activities geared toward the development, appreciation and understanding of American Indian culture.

Year-Round School Schedule:

  • Traditional classroom instruction occurs between 8:30 am to 12:00 pm, Monday-Friday.
  • Each day is dedicated to specific subjects so that each student’s academic needs are addressed.
    • Monday- Mathematics, Economic, Accounting
    • Tuesday-English Language and Literature, Computer Literacy
    • Wednesday- Sciences
    • Thursday- History, Geography, Social Studies, Native American Studies, Current Event
    • Friday- Native American Culture, Life Skills, Art
  • Students will also have access to extra-curricular activities for credit throughout the evening and weekend schedule.

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Family Days

The GPAYRTC Family Days brings the resident and family together for 2 to 3 days of therapy and education on the following topics:

  • Adult Children of Alcoholics
  • Symptoms of the Disease Concept
  • Family Systems
  • Codependency
  • Communication and family dynamics
  • Parenting

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The Great Plains Area Youth Regional Treatment Center, minutes from Mobridge South Dakota, is located on the south east corner of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation overlooking the Grand River.

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