For Managers and Supervisors
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is now using an automated system to report and track workers' compensation claims, workplace injuries, and illnesses. The system operates through the U.S. Department of Labor's Employees' Compensation Operations & Operations & Management Portal (ECOMP) and is now available Department-wide.
General Instructions
- Do not create an account in the ECOMP portal

- You will receive an email notification if your employee files an OSHA 301 and/or a workers' compensation claim in the ECOMP portal. Use the link provided in the email notification to review and complete the supervisor's section of the submitted form(s).
- Certify that the employee is under your supervision.
- Release completed form(s) to the OSHA Record Keeper and/or Agency Reviewer within established timeframes.
- You should file on employee's behalf if the employee is incapacitated. Forms are available in PDF format on the Office of Workers' Compensation Program website .
- Notify timekeeper of Continuation of Pay (COP) eligibility.
- Contact your Agency Reviewer (AR) to ensure there is no pending action for you.
Note - Claims should not be held for receipt of supporting documentation.
Helpful Links
- Supervisor's Step-by-Step Flow Chart
- Supervisor's Visual Flow Chart [PDF - 1.57 MB]
- Continuation of Pay (COP)
- Reviewing Forms as Supervisors
- Claims under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act due to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)v
- Death Claims
- Performance of Duty
- Privacy Act
- FECA Fraud
- Guide to Processing Personnel Actions: Placement in Nonpay and Nonduty Status [PDF - 1.67 MB]
- Guide to Processing Personnel Actions: Return to Duty From Nonpay Status [PDF - 260 KB]
- Cost-Savings Analysis [DOCX - 19 KB]
- Sample Job Offer Letter [DOCX - 22 KB]
PEER Initiative
The Protecting Employees Enabling Reemployment (PEER) Initiative serves as an opportunity for heads of federal departments and agencies to recommit to a safety and health conscious federal workforce, a workforce that can receive needed timely benefits through a modern and efficient workers' compensation system.Choice of Physician
The employee is entitled under FECA to select the physician who is to provide treatment. The provider must meet the definition of "physician" under the FECA and must not have been excluded from payment under the program. Physicians employed by or under contract to the agency may examine the employee at the agency's facility in accordance with OPM regulations. However, the employee's choice of physician must be honored, and treatment by the employee's physician must not be delayed for the purpose of obtaining an agency directed medical examination. Chiropractors are only allowed for treating subluxation of the spine as proven by X-ray.