For Patients
- Affordable Care Act
In March 2010, President Obama signed comprehensive health reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), into law. The law makes preventive care—including family planning and related services—more accessible and affordable for many Americans. This page will house information, links, documents, and resources about the ACA and will be updated frequently.
- Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) - For Patients
General emergency preparation online resources with multiple links to other resources such as checklists for disaster preparedness for families, pets, and people with disabilities or special needs.
- Eligibility Statement
Find out if you are eligible to receive services at a tribal or urban Indian health facility;
The answer to what are "Contract Health Services" (CHS);
and more.
- Health Programs
Find a clinic near you
- More Patient Resources
Cancer Risk Factors: Tobacco; Understanding the GPRA, Patient Flyer; Information to help you solve your dental emergency; What to do if you or someone you love is being abused?; Poison Control Hotlines; Suicide Prevention Hotlines; Answers to your health questions; Influenza (flu) information; IHS FAQs on health care services
- Newsletters For Patients
These newsletters include articles on health and safety that serve to improve awareness of health as well as injury and disease prevention among the American Indian patient population.
- The Walking Revolution, a Documentary Film
Released by Every Body Walk!, this documentary explores how the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other has significant health and environmental benefits.