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What is the procedure that CA IHS, tribal, and urban Indian health programs should follow when entering quarterly immunization coverage reports?

The California Area of the Indian Health Service (IHS) provides data regarding childhood immunizations to Headquarters on a quarterly basis.

The IHS/Tribal/ and Urban Indian Health programs (RPMS and Non-RPMS reporters) are to report AI/AN immunization coverage data on a quarterly basis data through the National Immunization Reporting System (NIRS) website.  NIRS is managed by IHS Headquarters Epidemiology Program and provides a quarterly snapshot of I/T/U immunization coverage by quarter for use by National (HQ), Area, and local program managers.  NIRS is the reporting site for immunization coverage data for all age groups (children, adolescents and adults) and also for Annual Health Care Personnel (HCP) Influenza Vaccination coverage reports; immunization reports are to be entered through the following on-line website by the 20th day of the month following the end of each fiscal year quarter (or as indicated):  A calendar indicating reports due by quarter, is located on the main page of the NIRS reporting site.

Quarterly NIRS reports provide program managers and direct care staff with valuable data as to the progress of the Indian Health system toward ensuring protection of AI/AN people of all ages against vaccine preventable diseases.

These reports provide valuable information regarding the progress the area programs are making toward meeting the IHS GPRA Objectives and demonstrate the area's performance in relation to the rest of the IHS areas across the nation.

For questions regarding reporting or NIRS Access, please contact the CA Area Immunization Coordinator and/or contact identified through NIRS website.